Glimmers are tiny moments of awe that spark joy and evoke inner calm. These micro-moments cause tiny mood shifts, sending cues of safety to our nervous system. When you look for them, you begin to rewire your brain’s natural tendency to focus on the negative. These include holding a puppy, a quiet moment in woods, a song you loved in college, and you guessed it… the sweet fragrance of a bloom!
Bringing 20 years of experience, Jenn Ederer, owner of Millhaven and Modern Day Floral & Events, along with her dedicated team, will bring you all the blooms your heart desires and current design trends within the industry.
At our Galentine Glimmers workshop, you will be able to create your own gorgeous bouquet to take home while enjoying bubbles from the mimosa bar along with decadent chocolate treasures. We invite you to join us in the café for lunch afterwards (not included in the workshop fee). This is a great opportunity to connect with a parent, sibling, or teenager or plan that girls outing with your favorites! Or fly solo and make a new friend for the journey!
*Includes 2 Glasses of Bubbly, Blooms, & Chocolate. Advance registration required. $55 per person.